Which is the capital of Maldives?
Which continent has the biggest population
What is the capital city of New Zealand
Which is the administrative capital of South Africa?
On which continent is the Sahara desert
Which ocean is to the east of Africa?
=Indian Ocean
Where is the headquarters of the international Olympic committee?
What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called?
=The Marrathan
Who is the only citizen of Pakistan to receive the Bharat Ratna?
=Khan Abdul Ghaffer Khan
In which sport can you throw a 'curve ball'?
Which viceroy of India was the son of a former prime minister of Britain?
=Lord cunning
Which rock group did George Harrison belong to?
=the Beatles
What is the baby Kangaroo called?
How many strings does a bass guitar usually have?
In which museum is the ‘Mona Lisa’ displayed?
=The louver, Paris
Blood is filtered by which pair of organs?
In which south Asian country is the National assembly called the ‘ Tshogdu’? =Bhutan
Which planet is the fifth from the sun?
What is the capital of Laos?
Who developed the theory of relativity?
=Albert Einstein
Which NASA mission’s crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins?
=Apollo XI
Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N?
In which city is the secretariat of SAARC located?
In which organelle of a living cell is DNA found?
What is the capital of Mauritius?
=Port Louis
Which travel faster, light or sound waves?
=Light weves
Which city was first capital of Pakistan?
Triton is a moon of which planet?
In whose honour was the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki nicknamed ‘fat Man’?
=Winston Churchill
For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?
Who is the only Governor-General of India to be appointed twice to the post?
=Lord Cornwallis
Which physicist wrote a book called 'A Brief History of Time'?
=Stephen Hawking
What did France gift to the USA on the centenary of the declaration of independence?
=The Statue of Liberty
Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn?
When did Britain return Hong Kong to China?
=In 1997
What do we call the study of birds?
What is the capital of Brazil from 1822 to1960 before Brasilia was built?
=Rio de Janeiro
In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found?
=The brain
Which American navel base in Hawaii was attacked by Japan?
=Pearl Harbour
In which country is the world's highest waterfall?
In which American state is Los Angeles located?
What natural phenomena are measured by the 'Richter scale'?
Which German general was nicknamed ‘The desert fox’?
=Erwin Rommel
Which two oceans does the Panama Canal link?
=Atlantic and Pacific
Which Bharat Ratna awardee’s autobiography is called on ‘Wings of Fire’?
=Dr A P J Abdul Kalam
What is South America's highest mountain range?
=The Andes
Which man made feature has divided Asia from Africa since 1869?
=The Suez Canal
What is the capital city of Kenya?
What was Istanbul called before its conquest by the Qttoman Turks in 1453?
What is the line of latitude 23.5 degrees north of the equator called?
=Tropic of Cancer
Which is the only South American country which is a member of OPEC?
In which athletic event is a heavy metal ball thrown?
=Shot put
Which east African nation was ones called ‘Abyssinia’?
In what sport could you 'hit a six' or 'bowl a leg spinner'?
Who was the first women in outer space?
=Valentine tereshkova
Golf was first played in which country?
In which European city is the head quarter of UNESCO?
In which sport could you find yourself in a headlock?
Which animal is the symbol of the Republican Party (often called GOP) in the United States?
=The elephant
In which sport are a bow and arrow used?
Which Latin American nation has an eagle and a snake on its flag?
What does a third-place getter at the Olympic Games win?
=A bronze medal
Who was the first prime minister of Pakistan?
=Liaqat Ali Khan
What instrument did the jazz musician Miles Davis play?
Which sultan of Delhi was defeated in the first battle of panipat by Babar?
=Ibrahim Lodi
Which instrument has keys, pedals and strings?
Who invented the Cresco graph to measure the rate of growth in plants?
=Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose
Which is the largest stringed instrument in a classical orchestra?
=Double bass
Which is the highest mountain in Africa?
=Mt. Kilimanjaro
In which country is a 'gamelan orchestra' most commonly found?
In which state was the ‘tebhaga movement’ launced in 1946?
All parties state language movement committee was formed in
Which Roman emperor abolished the ancient Olympics?
=Theodosius I
The designer of the Kizi Nazrul Islam complex
=Mazharul Islam
Who was the last Tsar of Russia?
=Nicholas II
Name of the first female executive director of Bangladesh?
=Nazneen Sultana
Which dialect of Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world?
Native language of Jamaica is
Who invented dynamite in 1867?
=Alfred Nobel
Plato, Socrates, Aristotle & Einstein among them who came earlier?
=Socrates (470-399 BC)
Which is Shakespeare’s longest play?
A country is bordered by both the Atlantic & Indian oceans named
=South Africa
Which sitting Prime Minister won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953?
=Winston Churchill
capital of the Netherlands is
What is the only equation in A Brief History?
The last chief minister of undivided Bengle was
=Huseyn Shaheed Shurawardy
Which degree of latitude divides north & South Korea?
=The 18th parallel
Lalbagh fort at Dhaka was constructed by
=Prince Azam & Shaista Khan
Who was the president of the United States when Japan attacked Pearl Harber in 1941?
=Franklin Delano Roosevelt
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) formally begins in
=1st December, 2008
In which modern country are the ruins of the ancient city Babylon?
Total number of Scadinavian country is
=5 (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark & Iceland)
Which Pakistani politician was known as the Qaid-e-Millat?
=Liaquat Ali khan
The head office of Asian Clearing Union (AUC) is
=Tehran, Iran
What did the Portuguese name Taiwan when they explored in 1950?
“The ballot is stronger than bullet” is quoted by
What is the monetary unit of Saudi Arabia?
the capital city of Tajikistan
Largest continent
Plato was citizen of
Smallest continent
The first cricketer who bagged all ten wickets in one innings in a test match
=Jim Laker (England)
Which country is not the member of OPEC?
The first commercial ship of Bangladesh is
=Banglar Dut
CFC destroys –
First private telephone organization is
=Bangladesh Rural Telecom Authority (BRTA)
CARE is the NGO of
Planning commission situated in
=Agargaon, Dhaka
Who invented malaria?
=Ronald Ross
First sea shore gas field in Bangladesh
Which is the biggest sea-beach in the world?
=Cox’s Bazar
China clay fond at
Which is the longest river in Europe?
Who is the father of Genetics?
Electric bulb introduced in Dhaka
=7 December,1901
Which is the Capital of South Africa?
=Captown & Pritoria
The capital city of Marshall Island is
Mongla port is situated on the river of-
Central bank of Brunei
=Brunei Currency Board
Who translated our national song in English?
=Sayed ali ahsan
Architect of Sydney Opera House
=Danish architect ‘JoernUtzon’
Which is the first non government EPZ in Bangladesh?
Capital of Croatia
The head quarter of Red Cress is in-
Bangla year started is our country from
=11 March, 1585
Which is the national day of USA?
=4th July
26 March was declared as a national day of Bangladesh in the year
Which country has no Army?
Historic Pahar Pur is situated in
Head office of ILO is in
what is the name of the organization working world wide against curreption?
=Transparency international
The bangla calendar date of historic “Ekushey February” is
=8th Falgoon
The waterway separating India & Srilanka
=Palk strait
What types of organization BIMSTEC is
Which country has the largest area of rainforest?
Currency of Sweden?
The British parliament is known as
=Council of Senators
First SAF games was held in-
=New Delhi
Currency of Thailand?
Helsinki is the capital of –
Writer of the book “World without Poverty”
=Dr. Muhammad Yunus
The head quarter of ADB is-
The only cascade of Bangladesh is
=Madhubkunda cascade
Who build Lalbag Fort-
=Shayesta Khan
The first gas field has invented
Who is the architect of national monument?
=Mainul hossain
The historical ‘D-Day’ is related with
=Second world war
1st Baishakh is generally celebrated on which English calendar date?
=14th April
Central bank of Malaysia
=Bank Negara Malaysia
The smallest admistrative unite in the cities of Bangladesh is
The nearest planet to the Sun
Which organization of the world Bank is known as the Soft loan window?
National game of China
=Table Tenis
Which bacteria causes plague?
=Yarsenia pestig
The world’s top natural gas exporter country
Who is the founder of Rotary International?
=Paul harries
The river Padma entered Bangladesh through
The name of Nepal’s Parliament is
Bush house located in
Catalan is the language of
India house located in
Where is swimming easier?
Asian cup football tournament was started in 1956
PATC is situated at
The nearest mile, the distance covered in marathon run
=26 miles
E-commerce, here E is stands for-
Hepatitis-C increases the risk of
=Liver cancer
In which year Bangladesh become a member of commonwealth?
The oldest private foreign bank of our country
=Standard Chartered Bank
Where was no fly zone?
The name of the first central bank of the world
=Bank of England
Who is the founder of Camilla BARD?
=Akter Hamid Khan
Bosnia Herzegovina is a former province of
Dahgram chitmahal is situated in
The Muslim man who win the first Nobel Prize?
=Anwar Sadat (Egypt)
Which is the longest river of Asia?
Name of the canal/strait joining the Red sea &with the Mediterranean sea?
What is the previous name of Sonargaon?
Currency of Malaysia
What is the main element of tooth pest?
=Soap & powder
The shortest wave length is
=Gamma ray
Bangla Academy was established in the year of-
The coldest planet in the solar system
Bangladesh & Myanmar are divided by the river of-
The information highway is known as
Where is wall street?
=New York
National game of Bangladesh
Who is the architect of mishuk?
=Hamiduzzaman khan
A plce where secondary share & securities are traded is
=Stock Exchange
What is the raw materils of uria fertilizer?
The largest tribe in Bangladesh is
Which harmful ray is emitted from colour television?
The capital of united Arab Emirates
=Abu Dhabi
Which is the earthquake detection device?
The capital of Kyrgyzstan
Dhaka district consists of
=17 districts
The first climber of Mount Everest
=Tenzing Norgay & Edmund Hillary
Which area is famous for Monipuri dance?
Father of modern Economics
=P. Samuelson
USB stands for-
=Universal Serial Bus
World Human Right Day
=10 December
Where is Bandung?
The most light gas is
From which date Fiscal year starts in Bangladesh?
=1st July
Grameen Bank started as a Bank in
Which Asian country included in OPEC?
How many Vitamins in human body?
Which statesman received Nobel prize for Literary work?
=W Churchill
The code name of natural protein Protein
Israel occupied Jerusalem in the year of
Plebes cite is a term related to
Where is the headquarter of Food and Agriculture organization?
Largest coffee producing country is
Which devise detects the speed of aero plane?
=Taco meter
Which type of Bank account does not pay any Bank interest?
=Current account
Akaba is the Sea-port of
The Armed forces Day is observed in Bangladesh on
=November 21
Who is the first secretary general of UN?
=Trygve Liet
The judiciary of Bangladeshwas separated in
=1 November
Where is historical city Troy?
The widest river of Bangladesh
=The Jamuna
First world cup football was held in the year of
Which international organization has declared 21st February as the international mother language day?
First world cup cricket was held in the year of
Who is the proponent of Bureaucracy?
=Max weber
DVD stands for-
=Digital versetile disc
Who is the head of the Government of Bangladesh?
=Prime minister
Main language of Afghanistan?
London stands on the river of
The hazardous metallic pollution in the air of Dhaka city is
The currency of Russia is-
Which is the oldest university of the world?
Where is the factory of making arms in Bangladesh?
National sports of Pakistan
=Field Hockey
What is the new name of solsbery?
Winter Olympic was started in
WAN stands for-
=Wide Area Network
The head quarter of ANZUS is
Begum rokeya was born in the district of
What is the former name of Indonesia?
=Dutch east India
When was EC formed?
Where was Pablo Picaso born?
Who invented phonograph?
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people” was observed by-
=Abraham lincon
IMF gives loan for-
=Correcting unfavourable balance of payment
“Give me a good mother, I will give you a good nation’’ was observed by-
Lima is the capital of-
Another name of vitamin C is-
=Ascorbic acid
The capital of Australia is-
The currency of Kuwait is-
Where is Angel waterfall?
Babri mosque of India was destroyed in the year-
Where IRRI is located?
What is Reuters?
=A news agency
Which of the following has crossed Bangladesh?
=Tropic of cancer
When was the National flag of Bangladesh raised? Where? Who?
=2nd March, 1971. In Dhaka university at a student gathering. A.S.M. Abdur Rob
Desiner of the flag?
=Kamrul Hasan
What is the measure of the flag?
Our national flag is similar to-
What is the political sea area of bangladesh?
=12 nautical miles
What is the leanth of the Cox’s Bazar sea-shore?
=155 km
What is the Battle anthem of bangladesh? It’s belonging to the poetry book? who is the composer?
=Go, Go, Go, Sanda, K. Nazrul Islam
How many lines are set with musical instrument on any occasion?
=First 21 lines
How many lines are in our Nationl anthem?
=First 10 lines
Which metal is heavier, silver or gold?
How many legs do butterflies have?
Which is the country with the most people?
Which state is the biggest in the US?
Which country has the largest area of land?
Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US?
Which golf player's mother is from Thailand?
=Tiger Woods
What is the sport in which you could get into a headlock?
In which country was golf first played?
Which is the sport where you could be out ‘leg before wicket’, or ‘hit a six’?
When did baseball originate in the US?
=19th Century
Which is the sport wherein you would use a 'sand iron'?
What is the largest mammal in the world?
=Blue Whale
Which is the country where reggae music originated?
Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster?
=P.G. Wodehouse
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Who was the writer of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
=Lewis Carroll
After which famous person was the teddy bear named?
=Theodore Roosevelt
Which is the smallest ocean in the world?
=Arctic Ocean
What is the rhino’s horn made of?
"History is Bunk" was said by
=Henry Ford.
The term 'astrology' literally means
=Star Speech.
Togo is situated in
Coal is also known as
=Black Diamond.
The first Boxer to win 3 gold medals in Olympics was
=Laszlo Papp.
The first ruler who started war games for his soldiers was
=Genghis Khan.
The first cross word puzzle in the world was published in 1924 by
=London Sunday Express
The lightest known metal is
The Atacama Desert is located in
=North Chile.
The oil used to preserve timber is
=Creosote oil.
The founder of USA was
=George Washington.
The first talkie feature film in USA was
='The Jazz Singer'.
The chemical name of laughing gas is
=Nitrous oxide.
The US state Mississippi is also known as
=Tar Heel state.
The US state Indiana is also known as
=Volunteer state.
The US state Missouri is also known as
=Hoosier state.
The US state West Virginia is also known as
=Blue Grass state.
The US state known as 'Pine Free State' is
The US state known as 'Mountain state' is
The US state known as 'Land of 1000 Lakes' is
The popular detective character created by Agatha Christie is
=Hercule Poirot.
The Pakistani President who died in an air crash was
Yankee is the nickname of
The International court of Justice is located in
=Hague, Holland.
The headquarters of World Bank is located at
=Washington DC.
Victoria Falls was discovered by
=David Livingstone.
The technique to produce the first test tube baby was evolved by
=Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards.
The oldest residential university of Britain is the
=Oxford University.
The name of the large clock on the tower of the House of Parliament in London is called
=Big Ben.
Prado Museum is located in
The number of keys in an ordinary piano is
=Eighty eight.
'Man is a Tool Making Animal' was said by
=Benjamin Franklin.
The term 'anesthesia' was coined by
=Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The first man to reach Antarctica was
=Fabian Gottlieb.
The Kilimanjaro volcano is situated in
The invention that is considered to have built America is
Words that contains all the vowels:
=Authentication, Remuneration, Education, Automobile, Miscellaneous and many more.
Words that contain all the vowels in order:
=Facetious and Abstemious.
Words that contain all the vowels in reverse order:
=Uncomplimentary, Unproprietary, Unoriental and Subcontinental.
Words with no vowel in them:
=Myth, Fly, Sky, Dry, Cry, Rhythm, Crypt.
Which country declares independence on 18th Feb 2008?
Who was the founder of the kindergarten education system?
=German educator Friedrich Froebel.
What is the scientific name of Vitamin C?
=Ascorbic Acid
What is the full form of GPRS?
=General Packet Radio Service
Which was the first university established in the world?
=Nalanda University
What is full form of CEO, CFO & CIO titles?
=Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Information Officer.
The largest museum in the world is
=The American Museum of Natural History.
The lowest mountain range in the world is
=The Buena Bhaile.
The country known as the Land of Cakes is
The place known as the Garden of England is
The tallest tower in the world is the
=C. N. Tower, Toronto, Canada.
The country famous for its fish catch is
The old name of Taiwan was
Montreal is situated on the bank of River
The city of Bonn is situated in
The literal meaning of Renaissance is
Julius Caesar was killed by
The title of Desert Fox was given to
=Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
The largest airport in the world is the
=King Khalid International Airport, Saudi Arabia.
The city in Russia which faced an earthquake in the year 1998 was
The largest bay in the world is
=Hudson Bay, Canada.
The largest peninsula in the world is
The largest gulf in the world is
=Gulf of Mexico.
The tallest statue in the world is the
=Motherland, Volgograd Russia.
The largest railway tunnel in the world is
=The Oshimizu Tunnel, Japan.
The world's loneliest island is
=The Tristan da cunha.
The word 'Quiz' was coined by
=Jim Daly Irishman.
The original meaning of 'Quiz' was
The busiest shopping centre of London is
=Oxford Street.
The residence of the Queen in London is
=Buckingham Palace.
Adolf Hitler was born in
The country whose National Anthem has only music but no words is
The largest cinema in the world is
=The Fox theatre, Detroit, USA.
The country where there are no Cinema theatres is
=Saudi Arabia.
The world's tallest office building is the
=Sears Tower, Chicago.
In the year 1811, Paraguay became independent from
The cross word puzzle was invented by
=Arthur Wynne.
The city which was the capital of the ancient Persian Empire was
WHO stands for
=World Health Organization.
WHO (World Health Organization) is located at
FAO stands for
=Food and Agriculture Organization.
FAO is located at
=Rome and London.
UNIDO stands for
=United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
UNIDO is located at
WMO stands for
=World Meteorological Organization.
WMO is located at
International Civil Aviation Organization is located at
The Angel Falls is located in
The Victoria Falls is located in
Ice Cream was discovered by
=Gerald Tisyum.
The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is
Napoleon suffered from alurophobia which means
=Fear of cats.
The aero planes were used in war for the first time by
=Italians. (14 Oct.1911)
Slavery in America was abolished by
=Abraham Lincoln.
The Headquarters of textile manufacturing in England is
The famous Island located at the mouth of the Hudson River is
The founder of plastic industry was
=Leo Hendrik Baekeland.
The country where military service is compulsory for women is
The country which has more than 10,000 golf courses is
The famous painting 'Mona Lisa' is displayed at
=Louvre museum, Paris.
The earlier name for tomato was
=Love apple.
The first President of USA was
=George Washington.
The famous words 'Veni Vidi Vici' were said by
=Julius Caesar.
The practice of sterilization of surgical instruments was introduced by
=Joseph Lister.
The number of countries which participated in the first Olympic Games held at Athens was
Mercury is also known as
=Quick Silver.
Disneyland is located in
=California, USA.
The country which built the first powerful long range rockets is
Sewing Machine was invented by
=Isaac M. Singer.
Adding Machine was invented by
The national emblem of Spain is
Archimedes was born in
The largest temple in the world is
=Angkor Wat in Kampuchea.
The largest dome in the world is
=Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, USA.
The largest strait in the world is
=Tartar Strait.
The Mohenjo-Daro ruins are found in
=Larkand District of Sind, Pakistan.
The largest city of Africa is
The founder of KODAK Company was
The Cape of Good Hope is located in
=South Africa.
The Heathrow Airport is located in
The neon lamp was invented by
=Georges Claude.
The last letter of the Greek alphabet is
The place known as the land of Lincoln is
The US state Utah is also known as
=Beehive state.
The Kalahari Desert is located in
The Patagonian desert is located in
The person known as the father of aeronautics is
=Sir George Cayley.
The most densely populated Island in the world is
The two nations Haiti and the Dominion Republic together form the Island of
The largest auto producer in the USA is
=General Motors.
The largest auto producing nation is
The famous ‘General Motors’ company was founded by
=William Durant.
The country that brings out the FIAT is
The first actor to win an Oscar was
=Emil Jannings.
The first animated colour cartoon of full feature length was
=Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.
The first demonstration of a motion picture was held at
The first country to issue stamps was
The actor who is considered as the biggest cowboy star of the silent movies is
=Tom Mix.
The Pentagon is located at
=Washington DC.
The world's largest car manufacturing company is
=General Motors, USA.
The world's biggest manufacturer of bicycles is
=Hero cycles, Ludhiana.
The world's oldest underground railway is at
The White House was painted white to hide
=fire damage.
The largest oil producing nation in Africa is
The longest river in Russia and Europe is
=Volga River.
The first Emperor of Germany was
The last French Monarch was
=Louis Napoleon III.
The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was
=Mujibur Rehman
The longest river in the world is the
The longest highway in the world is the
The longest highway in the world has a length of
=About 8000 km
The highest mountain in the world is the
The biggest desert in the world is the
=Sahara desert
The largest coffee growing country in the world is
The country also known as "country of Copper" is
The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is
=Durand line
The river Volga flows out into the
=Caspian sea
The coldest place on the earth is
=Verkoyansk in Siberia
The country which ranks second in terms of land area is
The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is
The river Jordan flows out into the
=Dead sea
The biggest delta in the world is the
=Ganges Delta
The capital city that stands on the river Danube is
The Japanese call their country as
The length of the English channel is
=564 kilometres
The world's oldest known city is
The city which is also known as the City of Canals is
The country in which river Wangchu flows is
The biggest island of the world is
The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is
=Detroit, USA
The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is
=China & South Africa
The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is
The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is
The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the
=Amazon River
The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' was
The country called the Land of Rising Sun is
Mount Everest was named after
=Sir George Everest
The volcano Vesuvius is located in
The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is
The length of the Suez Canal is
=162.5 kilometers
The lowest point on earth is
=The coastal area of Dead sea
The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of
The largest ocean of the world is the
=Pacific ocean
The largest bell in the world is the
=Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow
The biggest stadium in the world is the
=Strahov Stadium, Prague
The world's largest diamond producing country is
=South Africa
Australia was discovered by
=James Cook
The first Governor General of Pakistan is
=Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Dublin is situated at the mouth of river
The earlier name of New York city was
=New Amsterdam
The Eifel tower was built by
=Alexander Eiffel
The Red Cross was founded by
=Jean Henri Durant
The country which has the greatest population density is
The national flower of Britain is
Niagara Falls was discovered by
=Louis Hennepin
The national flower of Italy is
The national flower of China is
The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at
The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is
=Strait of Hormuz
The first Industrial Revolution took place in
World Environment Day is observed on
=5th June
The first Republican President of America was
=Abraham Lincoln
The country famous for Samba dance is
The name of Alexander's horse was
Singapore was founded by
=Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
The famous British one-eyed Admiral was
The earlier name of Sri Lanka was
The UNO was formed in the year
UNO stands for
=United Nations Organization
The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on
=15th August
'Last Judgment' was the first painting of an Italian painter named
In the solar system the remotest, smallest & coldest planet is
=Neptune, Mercury & Mars
Paradise Regained was written by
=John Milton
An European country only where penalty is yet effective
The first President of Egypt was
=Mohammed Nequib
Name of the highest statue of the world
=Ushiku Amida Buddha
The first man to reach North Pole was
=Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was
The largest university of the world
=Riyadh Women’s University
The primary producer of newsprint in the world is
Line of control is a boundary line of
=India & Pakistan
The first explorer to reach the South Pole was
=Cap. Ronald Amundson
Football entered into Olympic in
The person who is called the father of modern Italy is
The national game of UK
World literacy day is celebrated on
=8th September
The Currency of Brunei is
=Brunei dollar
The founder of modern Germany is
‘Port Blayer’ island is in
=Indian island
The country known as the land of the midnight sun is
Board of investment was established in
The place known as the Roof of the world is
BIBM stands for
=Bangladesh Institution of Bank Management
The founder of the Chinese Republic was
=San Yat Sen
The famous musician, who sang for our liberation war in1971
=George Harrison
The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was
=Abdul Salam
Brass is a compound of Copper & Zinc
The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was
=Margaret Thatcher
A cardiologist treats patients with
=Heart problem
The first Secretary General of the UNO was
=Trygve Lie
Name of the nearest planet is
The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was
=Frederick Auguste Bartholdi
longitude°Time distance for 1
=4 minutes
The port of Baku is situated in
John F Kennedy was assassinated by
=Lee Harvey Oswald
Name of the central Bank of Maldives
=Maldives monetary Authority
The largest river in France is
world’s largest railway station is
=Grand Central Terminal
The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was
=Catherine of Aragon
The capital of Brunei is
=Bandar Seri Begawan
The first black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was
=Ralph Johnson Bunche
Magsaysay Award is given from
The first British University to admit women for degree courses was
=London University
Currency of Ghana
The principal export of Jamaica is
Last King of Afghanistan
=Mohammad Zahir Shah
New York is popularly known as the city of
Title of autobiography of US Secretary State Hillary Clinton is
=Living History
Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of
Maritime route from Europe to Indian Subcontinent was discovered by
=Vasca Da Gama
The country known as the Land of White Elephant is
Bangladesh is an independent country was recognized first African country
The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is
Minimum age requirement to be the President & the Prime Minister of Bangladesh is
=35 & 25
The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is
President can appoint election commissioner power of the constitution
The highest waterfalls in the world is the
=Salto Angel Falls, Venezuela
Bangladesh formally enters the age of WiMAX
=21 July, 2009
The largest library in the world is the
=United States Library of Congress, Washington DC
Establishment year of NAPE
The author of Harry Potter Books is
=JK Rowling
Establishment year of University Grand Commission is
=16 December,1972
Nickname of New York city is
=Big Apple
Women world cup cricket starts in
What do you call a group of sheep?
=A Flock of Sheep
Establishment year of IMF
=1 July, 1944
In which sport do players take long and short corners?
Establishment year of IBRD
=1 July,1944
Who was the youngest President of the USA?
=Theodore Roosevelt
Asian Develop Bank starts its programs in
=19 December, 1966
How many legs do butterflies have?
=6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings
Currency of Vatican city
Which continent has the biggest population
What is the capital city of New Zealand
Which is the administrative capital of South Africa?
On which continent is the Sahara desert
Which ocean is to the east of Africa?
=Indian Ocean
Where is the headquarters of the international Olympic committee?
What is longest running race in the Olympic Games called?
=The Marrathan
Who is the only citizen of Pakistan to receive the Bharat Ratna?
=Khan Abdul Ghaffer Khan
In which sport can you throw a 'curve ball'?
Which viceroy of India was the son of a former prime minister of Britain?
=Lord cunning
Which rock group did George Harrison belong to?
=the Beatles
What is the baby Kangaroo called?
How many strings does a bass guitar usually have?
In which museum is the ‘Mona Lisa’ displayed?
=The louver, Paris
Blood is filtered by which pair of organs?
In which south Asian country is the National assembly called the ‘ Tshogdu’? =Bhutan
Which planet is the fifth from the sun?
What is the capital of Laos?
Who developed the theory of relativity?
=Albert Einstein
Which NASA mission’s crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins?
=Apollo XI
Which chemical element is represented by the symbol N?
In which city is the secretariat of SAARC located?
In which organelle of a living cell is DNA found?
What is the capital of Mauritius?
=Port Louis
Which travel faster, light or sound waves?
=Light weves
Which city was first capital of Pakistan?
Triton is a moon of which planet?
In whose honour was the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki nicknamed ‘fat Man’?
=Winston Churchill
For what process do plants need sunlight, CO2 and water?
Who is the only Governor-General of India to be appointed twice to the post?
=Lord Cornwallis
Which physicist wrote a book called 'A Brief History of Time'?
=Stephen Hawking
What did France gift to the USA on the centenary of the declaration of independence?
=The Statue of Liberty
Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Zn?
When did Britain return Hong Kong to China?
=In 1997
What do we call the study of birds?
What is the capital of Brazil from 1822 to1960 before Brasilia was built?
=Rio de Janeiro
In which organ of the body is the cerebrum found?
=The brain
Which American navel base in Hawaii was attacked by Japan?
=Pearl Harbour
In which country is the world's highest waterfall?
In which American state is Los Angeles located?
What natural phenomena are measured by the 'Richter scale'?
Which German general was nicknamed ‘The desert fox’?
=Erwin Rommel
Which two oceans does the Panama Canal link?
=Atlantic and Pacific
Which Bharat Ratna awardee’s autobiography is called on ‘Wings of Fire’?
=Dr A P J Abdul Kalam
What is South America's highest mountain range?
=The Andes
Which man made feature has divided Asia from Africa since 1869?
=The Suez Canal
What is the capital city of Kenya?
What was Istanbul called before its conquest by the Qttoman Turks in 1453?
What is the line of latitude 23.5 degrees north of the equator called?
=Tropic of Cancer
Which is the only South American country which is a member of OPEC?
In which athletic event is a heavy metal ball thrown?
=Shot put
Which east African nation was ones called ‘Abyssinia’?
In what sport could you 'hit a six' or 'bowl a leg spinner'?
Who was the first women in outer space?
=Valentine tereshkova
Golf was first played in which country?
In which European city is the head quarter of UNESCO?
In which sport could you find yourself in a headlock?
Which animal is the symbol of the Republican Party (often called GOP) in the United States?
=The elephant
In which sport are a bow and arrow used?
Which Latin American nation has an eagle and a snake on its flag?
What does a third-place getter at the Olympic Games win?
=A bronze medal
Who was the first prime minister of Pakistan?
=Liaqat Ali Khan
What instrument did the jazz musician Miles Davis play?
Which sultan of Delhi was defeated in the first battle of panipat by Babar?
=Ibrahim Lodi
Which instrument has keys, pedals and strings?
Who invented the Cresco graph to measure the rate of growth in plants?
=Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose
Which is the largest stringed instrument in a classical orchestra?
=Double bass
Which is the highest mountain in Africa?
=Mt. Kilimanjaro
In which country is a 'gamelan orchestra' most commonly found?
In which state was the ‘tebhaga movement’ launced in 1946?
All parties state language movement committee was formed in
Which Roman emperor abolished the ancient Olympics?
=Theodosius I
The designer of the Kizi Nazrul Islam complex
=Mazharul Islam
Who was the last Tsar of Russia?
=Nicholas II
Name of the first female executive director of Bangladesh?
=Nazneen Sultana
Which dialect of Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world?
Native language of Jamaica is
Who invented dynamite in 1867?
=Alfred Nobel
Plato, Socrates, Aristotle & Einstein among them who came earlier?
=Socrates (470-399 BC)
Which is Shakespeare’s longest play?
A country is bordered by both the Atlantic & Indian oceans named
=South Africa
Which sitting Prime Minister won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953?
=Winston Churchill
capital of the Netherlands is
What is the only equation in A Brief History?
The last chief minister of undivided Bengle was
=Huseyn Shaheed Shurawardy
Which degree of latitude divides north & South Korea?
=The 18th parallel
Lalbagh fort at Dhaka was constructed by
=Prince Azam & Shaista Khan
Who was the president of the United States when Japan attacked Pearl Harber in 1941?
=Franklin Delano Roosevelt
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) formally begins in
=1st December, 2008
In which modern country are the ruins of the ancient city Babylon?
Total number of Scadinavian country is
=5 (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark & Iceland)
Which Pakistani politician was known as the Qaid-e-Millat?
=Liaquat Ali khan
The head office of Asian Clearing Union (AUC) is
=Tehran, Iran
What did the Portuguese name Taiwan when they explored in 1950?
“The ballot is stronger than bullet” is quoted by
What is the monetary unit of Saudi Arabia?
the capital city of Tajikistan
Largest continent
Plato was citizen of
Smallest continent
The first cricketer who bagged all ten wickets in one innings in a test match
=Jim Laker (England)
Which country is not the member of OPEC?
The first commercial ship of Bangladesh is
=Banglar Dut
CFC destroys –
First private telephone organization is
=Bangladesh Rural Telecom Authority (BRTA)
CARE is the NGO of
Planning commission situated in
=Agargaon, Dhaka
Who invented malaria?
=Ronald Ross
First sea shore gas field in Bangladesh
Which is the biggest sea-beach in the world?
=Cox’s Bazar
China clay fond at
Which is the longest river in Europe?
Who is the father of Genetics?
Electric bulb introduced in Dhaka
=7 December,1901
Which is the Capital of South Africa?
=Captown & Pritoria
The capital city of Marshall Island is
Mongla port is situated on the river of-
Central bank of Brunei
=Brunei Currency Board
Who translated our national song in English?
=Sayed ali ahsan
Architect of Sydney Opera House
=Danish architect ‘JoernUtzon’
Which is the first non government EPZ in Bangladesh?
Capital of Croatia
The head quarter of Red Cress is in-
Bangla year started is our country from
=11 March, 1585
Which is the national day of USA?
=4th July
26 March was declared as a national day of Bangladesh in the year
Which country has no Army?
Historic Pahar Pur is situated in
Head office of ILO is in
what is the name of the organization working world wide against curreption?
=Transparency international
The bangla calendar date of historic “Ekushey February” is
=8th Falgoon
The waterway separating India & Srilanka
=Palk strait
What types of organization BIMSTEC is
Which country has the largest area of rainforest?
Currency of Sweden?
The British parliament is known as
=Council of Senators
First SAF games was held in-
=New Delhi
Currency of Thailand?
Helsinki is the capital of –
Writer of the book “World without Poverty”
=Dr. Muhammad Yunus
The head quarter of ADB is-
The only cascade of Bangladesh is
=Madhubkunda cascade
Who build Lalbag Fort-
=Shayesta Khan
The first gas field has invented
Who is the architect of national monument?
=Mainul hossain
The historical ‘D-Day’ is related with
=Second world war
1st Baishakh is generally celebrated on which English calendar date?
=14th April
Central bank of Malaysia
=Bank Negara Malaysia
The smallest admistrative unite in the cities of Bangladesh is
The nearest planet to the Sun
Which organization of the world Bank is known as the Soft loan window?
National game of China
=Table Tenis
Which bacteria causes plague?
=Yarsenia pestig
The world’s top natural gas exporter country
Who is the founder of Rotary International?
=Paul harries
The river Padma entered Bangladesh through
The name of Nepal’s Parliament is
Bush house located in
Catalan is the language of
India house located in
Where is swimming easier?
Asian cup football tournament was started in 1956
PATC is situated at
The nearest mile, the distance covered in marathon run
=26 miles
E-commerce, here E is stands for-
Hepatitis-C increases the risk of
=Liver cancer
In which year Bangladesh become a member of commonwealth?
The oldest private foreign bank of our country
=Standard Chartered Bank
Where was no fly zone?
The name of the first central bank of the world
=Bank of England
Who is the founder of Camilla BARD?
=Akter Hamid Khan
Bosnia Herzegovina is a former province of
Dahgram chitmahal is situated in
The Muslim man who win the first Nobel Prize?
=Anwar Sadat (Egypt)
Which is the longest river of Asia?
Name of the canal/strait joining the Red sea &with the Mediterranean sea?
What is the previous name of Sonargaon?
Currency of Malaysia
What is the main element of tooth pest?
=Soap & powder
The shortest wave length is
=Gamma ray
Bangla Academy was established in the year of-
The coldest planet in the solar system
Bangladesh & Myanmar are divided by the river of-
The information highway is known as
Where is wall street?
=New York
National game of Bangladesh
Who is the architect of mishuk?
=Hamiduzzaman khan
A plce where secondary share & securities are traded is
=Stock Exchange
What is the raw materils of uria fertilizer?
The largest tribe in Bangladesh is
Which harmful ray is emitted from colour television?
The capital of united Arab Emirates
=Abu Dhabi
Which is the earthquake detection device?
The capital of Kyrgyzstan
Dhaka district consists of
=17 districts
The first climber of Mount Everest
=Tenzing Norgay & Edmund Hillary
Which area is famous for Monipuri dance?
Father of modern Economics
=P. Samuelson
USB stands for-
=Universal Serial Bus
World Human Right Day
=10 December
Where is Bandung?
The most light gas is
From which date Fiscal year starts in Bangladesh?
=1st July
Grameen Bank started as a Bank in
Which Asian country included in OPEC?
How many Vitamins in human body?
Which statesman received Nobel prize for Literary work?
=W Churchill
The code name of natural protein Protein
Israel occupied Jerusalem in the year of
Plebes cite is a term related to
Where is the headquarter of Food and Agriculture organization?
Largest coffee producing country is
Which devise detects the speed of aero plane?
=Taco meter
Which type of Bank account does not pay any Bank interest?
=Current account
Akaba is the Sea-port of
The Armed forces Day is observed in Bangladesh on
=November 21
Who is the first secretary general of UN?
=Trygve Liet
The judiciary of Bangladeshwas separated in
=1 November
Where is historical city Troy?
The widest river of Bangladesh
=The Jamuna
First world cup football was held in the year of
Which international organization has declared 21st February as the international mother language day?
First world cup cricket was held in the year of
Who is the proponent of Bureaucracy?
=Max weber
DVD stands for-
=Digital versetile disc
Who is the head of the Government of Bangladesh?
=Prime minister
Main language of Afghanistan?
London stands on the river of
The hazardous metallic pollution in the air of Dhaka city is
The currency of Russia is-
Which is the oldest university of the world?
Where is the factory of making arms in Bangladesh?
National sports of Pakistan
=Field Hockey
What is the new name of solsbery?
Winter Olympic was started in
WAN stands for-
=Wide Area Network
The head quarter of ANZUS is
Begum rokeya was born in the district of
What is the former name of Indonesia?
=Dutch east India
When was EC formed?
Where was Pablo Picaso born?
Who invented phonograph?
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people” was observed by-
=Abraham lincon
IMF gives loan for-
=Correcting unfavourable balance of payment
“Give me a good mother, I will give you a good nation’’ was observed by-
Lima is the capital of-
Another name of vitamin C is-
=Ascorbic acid
The capital of Australia is-
The currency of Kuwait is-
Where is Angel waterfall?
Babri mosque of India was destroyed in the year-
Where IRRI is located?
What is Reuters?
=A news agency
Which of the following has crossed Bangladesh?
=Tropic of cancer
When was the National flag of Bangladesh raised? Where? Who?
=2nd March, 1971. In Dhaka university at a student gathering. A.S.M. Abdur Rob
Desiner of the flag?
=Kamrul Hasan
What is the measure of the flag?
Our national flag is similar to-
What is the political sea area of bangladesh?
=12 nautical miles
What is the leanth of the Cox’s Bazar sea-shore?
=155 km
What is the Battle anthem of bangladesh? It’s belonging to the poetry book? who is the composer?
=Go, Go, Go, Sanda, K. Nazrul Islam
How many lines are set with musical instrument on any occasion?
=First 21 lines
How many lines are in our Nationl anthem?
=First 10 lines
Which metal is heavier, silver or gold?
How many legs do butterflies have?
Which is the country with the most people?
Which state is the biggest in the US?
Which country has the largest area of land?
Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US?
Which golf player's mother is from Thailand?
=Tiger Woods
What is the sport in which you could get into a headlock?
In which country was golf first played?
Which is the sport where you could be out ‘leg before wicket’, or ‘hit a six’?
When did baseball originate in the US?
=19th Century
Which is the sport wherein you would use a 'sand iron'?
What is the largest mammal in the world?
=Blue Whale
Which is the country where reggae music originated?
Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster?
=P.G. Wodehouse
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Who was the writer of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
=Lewis Carroll
After which famous person was the teddy bear named?
=Theodore Roosevelt
Which is the smallest ocean in the world?
=Arctic Ocean
What is the rhino’s horn made of?
"History is Bunk" was said by
=Henry Ford.
The term 'astrology' literally means
=Star Speech.
Togo is situated in
Coal is also known as
=Black Diamond.
The first Boxer to win 3 gold medals in Olympics was
=Laszlo Papp.
The first ruler who started war games for his soldiers was
=Genghis Khan.
The first cross word puzzle in the world was published in 1924 by
=London Sunday Express
The lightest known metal is
The Atacama Desert is located in
=North Chile.
The oil used to preserve timber is
=Creosote oil.
The founder of USA was
=George Washington.
The first talkie feature film in USA was
='The Jazz Singer'.
The chemical name of laughing gas is
=Nitrous oxide.
The US state Mississippi is also known as
=Tar Heel state.
The US state Indiana is also known as
=Volunteer state.
The US state Missouri is also known as
=Hoosier state.
The US state West Virginia is also known as
=Blue Grass state.
The US state known as 'Pine Free State' is
The US state known as 'Mountain state' is
The US state known as 'Land of 1000 Lakes' is
The popular detective character created by Agatha Christie is
=Hercule Poirot.
The Pakistani President who died in an air crash was
Yankee is the nickname of
The International court of Justice is located in
=Hague, Holland.
The headquarters of World Bank is located at
=Washington DC.
Victoria Falls was discovered by
=David Livingstone.
The technique to produce the first test tube baby was evolved by
=Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards.
The oldest residential university of Britain is the
=Oxford University.
The name of the large clock on the tower of the House of Parliament in London is called
=Big Ben.
Prado Museum is located in
The number of keys in an ordinary piano is
=Eighty eight.
'Man is a Tool Making Animal' was said by
=Benjamin Franklin.
The term 'anesthesia' was coined by
=Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The first man to reach Antarctica was
=Fabian Gottlieb.
The Kilimanjaro volcano is situated in
The invention that is considered to have built America is
Words that contains all the vowels:
=Authentication, Remuneration, Education, Automobile, Miscellaneous and many more.
Words that contain all the vowels in order:
=Facetious and Abstemious.
Words that contain all the vowels in reverse order:
=Uncomplimentary, Unproprietary, Unoriental and Subcontinental.
Words with no vowel in them:
=Myth, Fly, Sky, Dry, Cry, Rhythm, Crypt.
Which country declares independence on 18th Feb 2008?
Who was the founder of the kindergarten education system?
=German educator Friedrich Froebel.
What is the scientific name of Vitamin C?
=Ascorbic Acid
What is the full form of GPRS?
=General Packet Radio Service
Which was the first university established in the world?
=Nalanda University
What is full form of CEO, CFO & CIO titles?
=Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Information Officer.
The largest museum in the world is
=The American Museum of Natural History.
The lowest mountain range in the world is
=The Buena Bhaile.
The country known as the Land of Cakes is
The place known as the Garden of England is
The tallest tower in the world is the
=C. N. Tower, Toronto, Canada.
The country famous for its fish catch is
The old name of Taiwan was
Montreal is situated on the bank of River
The city of Bonn is situated in
The literal meaning of Renaissance is
Julius Caesar was killed by
The title of Desert Fox was given to
=Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
The largest airport in the world is the
=King Khalid International Airport, Saudi Arabia.
The city in Russia which faced an earthquake in the year 1998 was
The largest bay in the world is
=Hudson Bay, Canada.
The largest peninsula in the world is
The largest gulf in the world is
=Gulf of Mexico.
The tallest statue in the world is the
=Motherland, Volgograd Russia.
The largest railway tunnel in the world is
=The Oshimizu Tunnel, Japan.
The world's loneliest island is
=The Tristan da cunha.
The word 'Quiz' was coined by
=Jim Daly Irishman.
The original meaning of 'Quiz' was
The busiest shopping centre of London is
=Oxford Street.
The residence of the Queen in London is
=Buckingham Palace.
Adolf Hitler was born in
The country whose National Anthem has only music but no words is
The largest cinema in the world is
=The Fox theatre, Detroit, USA.
The country where there are no Cinema theatres is
=Saudi Arabia.
The world's tallest office building is the
=Sears Tower, Chicago.
In the year 1811, Paraguay became independent from
The cross word puzzle was invented by
=Arthur Wynne.
The city which was the capital of the ancient Persian Empire was
WHO stands for
=World Health Organization.
WHO (World Health Organization) is located at
FAO stands for
=Food and Agriculture Organization.
FAO is located at
=Rome and London.
UNIDO stands for
=United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
UNIDO is located at
WMO stands for
=World Meteorological Organization.
WMO is located at
International Civil Aviation Organization is located at
The Angel Falls is located in
The Victoria Falls is located in
Ice Cream was discovered by
=Gerald Tisyum.
The number regarded as lucky number in Italy is
Napoleon suffered from alurophobia which means
=Fear of cats.
The aero planes were used in war for the first time by
=Italians. (14 Oct.1911)
Slavery in America was abolished by
=Abraham Lincoln.
The Headquarters of textile manufacturing in England is
The famous Island located at the mouth of the Hudson River is
The founder of plastic industry was
=Leo Hendrik Baekeland.
The country where military service is compulsory for women is
The country which has more than 10,000 golf courses is
The famous painting 'Mona Lisa' is displayed at
=Louvre museum, Paris.
The earlier name for tomato was
=Love apple.
The first President of USA was
=George Washington.
The famous words 'Veni Vidi Vici' were said by
=Julius Caesar.
The practice of sterilization of surgical instruments was introduced by
=Joseph Lister.
The number of countries which participated in the first Olympic Games held at Athens was
Mercury is also known as
=Quick Silver.
Disneyland is located in
=California, USA.
The country which built the first powerful long range rockets is
Sewing Machine was invented by
=Isaac M. Singer.
Adding Machine was invented by
The national emblem of Spain is
Archimedes was born in
The largest temple in the world is
=Angkor Wat in Kampuchea.
The largest dome in the world is
=Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, USA.
The largest strait in the world is
=Tartar Strait.
The Mohenjo-Daro ruins are found in
=Larkand District of Sind, Pakistan.
The largest city of Africa is
The founder of KODAK Company was
The Cape of Good Hope is located in
=South Africa.
The Heathrow Airport is located in
The neon lamp was invented by
=Georges Claude.
The last letter of the Greek alphabet is
The place known as the land of Lincoln is
The US state Utah is also known as
=Beehive state.
The Kalahari Desert is located in
The Patagonian desert is located in
The person known as the father of aeronautics is
=Sir George Cayley.
The most densely populated Island in the world is
The two nations Haiti and the Dominion Republic together form the Island of
The largest auto producer in the USA is
=General Motors.
The largest auto producing nation is
The famous ‘General Motors’ company was founded by
=William Durant.
The country that brings out the FIAT is
The first actor to win an Oscar was
=Emil Jannings.
The first animated colour cartoon of full feature length was
=Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.
The first demonstration of a motion picture was held at
The first country to issue stamps was
The actor who is considered as the biggest cowboy star of the silent movies is
=Tom Mix.
The Pentagon is located at
=Washington DC.
The world's largest car manufacturing company is
=General Motors, USA.
The world's biggest manufacturer of bicycles is
=Hero cycles, Ludhiana.
The world's oldest underground railway is at
The White House was painted white to hide
=fire damage.
The largest oil producing nation in Africa is
The longest river in Russia and Europe is
=Volga River.
The first Emperor of Germany was
The last French Monarch was
=Louis Napoleon III.
The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was
=Mujibur Rehman
The longest river in the world is the
The longest highway in the world is the
The longest highway in the world has a length of
=About 8000 km
The highest mountain in the world is the
The biggest desert in the world is the
=Sahara desert
The largest coffee growing country in the world is
The country also known as "country of Copper" is
The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is
=Durand line
The river Volga flows out into the
=Caspian sea
The coldest place on the earth is
=Verkoyansk in Siberia
The country which ranks second in terms of land area is
The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is
The river Jordan flows out into the
=Dead sea
The biggest delta in the world is the
=Ganges Delta
The capital city that stands on the river Danube is
The Japanese call their country as
The length of the English channel is
=564 kilometres
The world's oldest known city is
The city which is also known as the City of Canals is
The country in which river Wangchu flows is
The biggest island of the world is
The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is
=Detroit, USA
The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is
=China & South Africa
The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is
The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is
The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the
=Amazon River
The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' was
The country called the Land of Rising Sun is
Mount Everest was named after
=Sir George Everest
The volcano Vesuvius is located in
The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is
The length of the Suez Canal is
=162.5 kilometers
The lowest point on earth is
=The coastal area of Dead sea
The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of
The largest ocean of the world is the
=Pacific ocean
The largest bell in the world is the
=Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow
The biggest stadium in the world is the
=Strahov Stadium, Prague
The world's largest diamond producing country is
=South Africa
Australia was discovered by
=James Cook
The first Governor General of Pakistan is
=Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Dublin is situated at the mouth of river
The earlier name of New York city was
=New Amsterdam
The Eifel tower was built by
=Alexander Eiffel
The Red Cross was founded by
=Jean Henri Durant
The country which has the greatest population density is
The national flower of Britain is
Niagara Falls was discovered by
=Louis Hennepin
The national flower of Italy is
The national flower of China is
The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at
The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is
=Strait of Hormuz
The first Industrial Revolution took place in
World Environment Day is observed on
=5th June
The first Republican President of America was
=Abraham Lincoln
The country famous for Samba dance is
The name of Alexander's horse was
Singapore was founded by
=Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
The famous British one-eyed Admiral was
The earlier name of Sri Lanka was
The UNO was formed in the year
UNO stands for
=United Nations Organization
The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on
=15th August
'Last Judgment' was the first painting of an Italian painter named
In the solar system the remotest, smallest & coldest planet is
=Neptune, Mercury & Mars
Paradise Regained was written by
=John Milton
An European country only where penalty is yet effective
The first President of Egypt was
=Mohammed Nequib
Name of the highest statue of the world
=Ushiku Amida Buddha
The first man to reach North Pole was
=Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was
The largest university of the world
=Riyadh Women’s University
The primary producer of newsprint in the world is
Line of control is a boundary line of
=India & Pakistan
The first explorer to reach the South Pole was
=Cap. Ronald Amundson
Football entered into Olympic in
The person who is called the father of modern Italy is
The national game of UK
World literacy day is celebrated on
=8th September
The Currency of Brunei is
=Brunei dollar
The founder of modern Germany is
‘Port Blayer’ island is in
=Indian island
The country known as the land of the midnight sun is
Board of investment was established in
The place known as the Roof of the world is
BIBM stands for
=Bangladesh Institution of Bank Management
The founder of the Chinese Republic was
=San Yat Sen
The famous musician, who sang for our liberation war in1971
=George Harrison
The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was
=Abdul Salam
Brass is a compound of Copper & Zinc
The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was
=Margaret Thatcher
A cardiologist treats patients with
=Heart problem
The first Secretary General of the UNO was
=Trygve Lie
Name of the nearest planet is
The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was
=Frederick Auguste Bartholdi
longitude°Time distance for 1
=4 minutes
The port of Baku is situated in
John F Kennedy was assassinated by
=Lee Harvey Oswald
Name of the central Bank of Maldives
=Maldives monetary Authority
The largest river in France is
world’s largest railway station is
=Grand Central Terminal
The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was
=Catherine of Aragon
The capital of Brunei is
=Bandar Seri Begawan
The first black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was
=Ralph Johnson Bunche
Magsaysay Award is given from
The first British University to admit women for degree courses was
=London University
Currency of Ghana
The principal export of Jamaica is
Last King of Afghanistan
=Mohammad Zahir Shah
New York is popularly known as the city of
Title of autobiography of US Secretary State Hillary Clinton is
=Living History
Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of
Maritime route from Europe to Indian Subcontinent was discovered by
=Vasca Da Gama
The country known as the Land of White Elephant is
Bangladesh is an independent country was recognized first African country
The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is
Minimum age requirement to be the President & the Prime Minister of Bangladesh is
=35 & 25
The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is
President can appoint election commissioner power of the constitution
The highest waterfalls in the world is the
=Salto Angel Falls, Venezuela
Bangladesh formally enters the age of WiMAX
=21 July, 2009
The largest library in the world is the
=United States Library of Congress, Washington DC
Establishment year of NAPE
The author of Harry Potter Books is
=JK Rowling
Establishment year of University Grand Commission is
=16 December,1972
Nickname of New York city is
=Big Apple
Women world cup cricket starts in
What do you call a group of sheep?
=A Flock of Sheep
Establishment year of IMF
=1 July, 1944
In which sport do players take long and short corners?
Establishment year of IBRD
=1 July,1944
Who was the youngest President of the USA?
=Theodore Roosevelt
Asian Develop Bank starts its programs in
=19 December, 1966
How many legs do butterflies have?
=6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings
Currency of Vatican city
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