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Albert Einstein:
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox. Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you, as a shadow clings to a form.
Charles H. Perkhurst:
The heart has eyes which the brain knows nothing of.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman:
There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver.
Claudette Colbert:
It matters more what’s in a woman’s face than what’s on it.
Edith Hamilton:
The fundamental fact about the Greek was that he had to use his mind. The ancient priests had said, “Thus far and no farther. We set the limits of thought.” The Greek said, “All things are to be examined and called into question. There are no limits set on thought.”
Elizabeth Drew:
The torment of human frustration, whatever its immediate cause, is the knowledge that the self is in prison, its vital force and “mangled mind” leaking away in lonely, wasteful self-conflict.
Elizabeth Kenny:
Some minds remain open long enough for the truth not only to enter but to pass on through by way of a ready exit without pausing anywhere along the route.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox:
The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind.
Emily Dickinson:
The Brain—is wider than the Sky—
For—put them side by side—
The one the other will contain
With ease—and You—beside—

This entry continued …
Immanuel Kant:
Intuition and concepts constitute … the elements of all our knowledge, so that neither concepts without an intuition in some way corresponding to them, nor intuition without concepts, can yield knowledge.
Jane Wagner:
See, the human mind is kind of like … a pinata. When it breaks open, there’s a lot of surprises inside. Once you get the pinata perspective, you see that losing your mind can be a peak experience.
[The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe]

John A. Hutchinson:
Unthinking faith is a curious offering to be made to the creator of the human mind.
John Dewey:
The very problem of mind and body suggests division; I do not know of anything so disastrously affected by the habit of division as this particular theme. In its discussion are reflected the splitting off from each other of religion, morals and science; the divorce of philosophy from science and of both from the arts of conduct. The evils which we suffer in education, in religion, in the materialism of business and the aloofness of “intellectuals” from life, in the whole separation of knowledge and practice — all testify to the necessity of seeing mind-body as an integral whole.
John Harricharan:
Peace is not achieved by controlling nations, but mastering our thoughts.
John Milton:
The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.
John Milton:
The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.
Katherine Anne Porter:
I don’t believe in intuition. When you get sudden flashes of perception, it is just the brain working faster than usual. But you’ve been getting ready to know it for a long time, and when it comes, you feel you’ve known it always.
Madame De Girardin:
Instinct is the nose of the mind.
Margaret Fuller:
A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.
Mortimer Adler:
The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.
Oliver Goldsmith:
Logicians have but ill defined
As rational the human mind.
Logic, they say, belongs to man,
But let them prove it if they can.

Peter Senge:
New insights fail to get put into practice because they conflict with deeply held internal images of how the world works … images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and acting. That is why the discipline of managing mental models — surfacing, testing, and improving our internal pictures of how the world works — promises to be a major breakthrough for learning organizations.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.
Rene Descartes:
The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues.
Richard Courant:
Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection. Its basic elements are logic and intuition, analysis and construction, generality and individuality.
Robert Collier:
It is only through your conscious mind that you can reach the subconscious. Your conscious mind is the porter at the door, the watchman at the gate. It is to the conscious mind that the subconscious looks for all its impressions.
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy:
Sendentary people are apt to have sluggish minds. A sluggish mind is apt to be reflected in flabbiness of body and in a dullness of expression that invites no interest and gets none.
William Wordsworth:
The mind that is wise mourns less for what age takes away; than what it leaves behind.